Our Research

Our recent findings on healthy aging.

European Journal of Nutrition, April, 2022

Our findings support a potential beneficial role of higher plasma folate levels in cognitive function in older Chinese adults, particularly among males. 

Clinical Nutrition, March, 2022

Our study supports a potential detrimental role of low levels of plasma uric acid on cognitive function among Chinese adults without hyperuricemia. 

Nature Aging, March, 2022

In this study among Chinese older adults, we found that plant-based diets emphasizing healthful plant foods were associated with a lower risk of mortality among older adults, whereas a plant-based diet rich in less-healthful plant foods was related to a higher mortality risk. 

The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, Jan, 2022

In this study among Chinese older adults, adherence to the plant-based dietary pattern could be used to prevent adverse neurological effects caused by air pollution.